Monday, October 10, 2011

Halloween Costume Sewing

There are all sorts of pink and sparkly things on my sewing table... Halloween sewing has begun!

princess costume 1

I'm using this tutorial to make K's princess costume. In Halloween discussions, she has said that she wants to be many things, but has said Princess the most often and that sounded like the most feasible (and fun!) thing to make. Although this weekend when I told her what I was working on, her response was "I wanna be Spiderman!" No dice, girl. I only have a couple more years left to be a part of the costume decision process and I still want you to be something cute and girly.

princess costume 2

I'm done with the bodice and am quite pleased with the way it's turned out. Now I'm contemplating doing something fancier with the skirt than what's shown in the tutorial, but if experience has taught me anything I should probably quit while I'm ahead and stick with the simple skirt.

A has decided to be Darth Vader this year, which has already been purchased. This was a bit of a relief because I should probably limit myself to one handmade costume per year. Plus, I've already done my fair share of Star Wars costuming.

Behold, Halloween 2009:

Halloween 2009

My crabby little Jedi:


And super cute Princess Leia:

princess leia


  1. That crabby jedi picture is hilariousness. Your princess dress is looking great, can't wait to see it all! I really need to start on costumes...

  2. Very funny costumes..I love princess leah


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